Barbara is the Founder of The Olive Branch, as well as a trustee and volunteer.
She founded The Olive Branch (Faith in Action) in November 2004, when people needing a meal were invited in to sit together and hear the Gospel message whilst they were cared for. She then became a Trustee when The Olive Branch was registered as a charity, in 2006.
‘I believe the Olive Branch vision was God-given and birthed out of revelation of the Fathers heart for the lost and broken, particularly those bound by addiction and homelessness. When I was in a dark place, hopeless, despairing and at a dead –end, Jesus offered me a lifeline and I took it. I wanted to share with others the amazing, compassionate love of Jesus so that other lives would be transformed by his message of hope as mine had. The Olive Branch is an expression of God’s grace (Romans 11:11-22), Jesus’ compassion (Matthew 11:28) and the empowering of Holy Spirit (Isaiah 61). Prayer has always been a focus and shaped the vision.’