A good news story from one of our guests.
We received some incredibly heart-warming news and lovely feedback from one of our guests, giving insight to the impact of our work.
‘A story about a locked car and an unlocked heart’
A story from one of our volunteers on their experience of the kindness of strangers.

Elizabeth’s story
Elizabeth had never used a food bank before, but after fleeing domestic violence, found herself with no other means of feeding herself and her two children.

Susan’s Story
Susan looked nervous on her first visit to The Olive Branch. Small and slim, with a fixed smile on her face she explained her situation apologetically and then said something we hear often… “I never thought I’d need to use a food bank.” Nearing sixty she had worked her whole life and found herself struggling financially and emotionally when she lost her job.

Ashleigh’s Story
The Olive Branch has known Ashleigh for over a year. She is a single mum with a 6-year-old son who doesn’t want to be using a food bank. I recall the day she came to visit full of joy at having landed a job and she proudly stated, “This is the last food parcel I’ll be needing!” Unfortunately, her zero hours contract did not lead to any hours and within a short time she was let go as the business didn’t have enough work for her. Of course, the last 6 months (coronavirus) have made it virtually impossible for her to get a job, especially as she has had to home-school her 6-year-old.

Emma’s Story
Emma (not her real name) is a single mum living with her 5-year old son. She lost her job at the beginning of lock down and a local advice agency has been giving support to help her recoup some of the pay she is still owed by her employer. Expecting a second child, and with no source of income, Emma struggled to prepare for her baby’s arrival. The Olive Branch sourced a bottle sterilizer and a pushchair for Emma along with providing weekly food parcels.

Karen’s Story
Karen (not her real name) had struggled with addiction on and off, had been through rehab and had relapsed.
At her lowest point she was homeless and without hope. She sat in The Olive Branch (Faith in Action) one
afternoon for a couple of hours recalling recent suicide attempts… a rail line, a bridge, a river…