Karen’s Story
For safeguarding reasons Karen’s name and image have been changed
Karen had struggled with addiction on and off, had been through rehab and had relapsed. At her lowest point she was homeless and without hope. She sat in The Olive Branch (Faith in Action) one afternoon for a couple of hours recalling recent suicide attempts… a rail line, a bridge, a river…
We arranged a doctor’s emergency appointment and accompanied her to it that same day. Such was her anxiety that she was unable to wait inside the building and so she waited outside smoking the remaining dregs of a rolled cigarette. We waited with her for over half an hour and, at her request, joined her in meeting with the doctor. She left the surgery feeling much less anxious and feeling like she might just get the help she needed.
Months later, having been through temporary housing, Karen moved in to her own flat. She sees the doctor regularly and has mental health support along with support for substance misuse. She drops by for what she hopes will be her last food parcel and we are able to celebrate her good news. Above all, Karen has hope back in her life.
On leaving Karen asks if she can be written in the prayer requests book, “Not to ask for anything, just to say, ‘Thank you.’”
The Olive Branch (Faith in Action) has been one of several organisations involved in Karen’s success story. Not only has The Olive Branch (Faith in Action) provided Karen with food parcels, but also time to talk, someone to listen at length, company for an appointment she simply wouldn’t have attended alone, prayer at her request, a train ticket to visit her daughter, encouragement, a Christmas bag of goodies, signposting to other organisations, a warm welcome, coffee & cake. So much more than just a Food Bank!